About Us
Hi, I’m Sarah, the Travelling Mum, and I’m the owner of this blog!
I’m 27 years old, and I have 2 children of my own (6 and 1) and a teenage stepdaughter! I love travelling, and especially love it with my family. We are just getting the hang of travelling using points and credit card rewards, and want to share our journey with you, as well as some of the highs and lows of travelling with young children!
I’m not new to blogging. I have 2 other blogs that I now update only sporadically. One is www.someonecallsmemummy.wordpress.com, where I write letters to my daughters, and the other is www.mummykind.com, where I haven’t been actively contributing for a little while due to time pressure. But, I’ve missed it, and I have a new passion in life to try and expand my babies’ cultural experiences as much as possible while enjoying amazing family holidays together.
Outside of blogging and in normal life, I’m a busy family law barrister (hence the limited time for blogging!)
I hope you’ll stick with this blog and share your travel ideas and hacks too! I’d love to know where you’d recommend for us to go next
Bye for now!